Power Yoga

Announcing Bryan Kest's Return to Solstice Power Yoga!

Bryan Kest Power Yoga Master Class

Sunday, April 24th  2:00 - 5:00 pm

$75 per person*

Bryan Kest's Power Yoga is a well-rounded flowing asana practice integrating mental practices that enhance everyday living.  The class is intended to invigorate your body and help you practice developing a calm, less reactive state of mind with dynamic flow.  In a Bryan Kest Power Yoga workshop you encouraged to focus on the process and not the end result.  This allows ALL levels of yoga practitioners to enjoy the benefit from this workshop.

Bryan's Power Yoga Master Class typically includes:

  • 1 hour lecture about basic philosophy and fundamentals

  • 2 hour physical practice incorporating principles from the lecture

Sign Up Today!  This Workshop will sell out!

Bryan has been practicing yoga since 1979 and has been teaching since 1985.  He developed his unique, distinctive style of yoga, Original Power Yoga, in 1979.  Over the years this style, an amazing workout for the body, mind and spirit has made him a well-known popular teacher across the country and around the world.  Bryan founded Power Yoga Studio in Santa Monica which is where he currently teaches several classes per week when he is not traveling to different parts of the country, Europe, or Australia for Workshops and Teacher Trainings.

*Please note there will be no refunds after March 1

Feature Teacher: Jeanne Magazu


Tell us about yourself and what brought you to the North Shore?
I came to the North Shore shortly out of college for a job as an environmental scientist. I love living near the ocean and having the mountains just a couple of hours away.

What brought you to yoga?
I knew I needed a stretching routine to balance out all my other physical activities but I had no idea what a positive impact it would have on my entire life.

Why did you want to become a yoga teacher?  
It just seemed like a natural fit at the time.  I was practicing lots of yoga and loving it. I had always been a health and fitness enthusiast.  At the time I started teaching I had already been “assisting” yoga classes for a couple years.  Plus, I had recently transitioned out of my more ”professional” job and was waiting for the next door to open.

Why do you teach now?
Now I teach because I love the community that yoga cultivates. It’s true that “in giving we receive”.  Yoga students and my fellow teachers inspire me every day to be my best self.

What are some things/people ... for which you are grateful?   
As I “mature” I am absolutely grateful for every experience and every encounter I I am especially grateful for Dave Selsky; I call him my guru.  He always knows just the right thing to say at just the right time.  He is also the love and light of my life.  I am grateful to have multiple families; my yoga family, my cycling family and of course my “first” family.

Is there a quotation that inspires you?  
“Be the change you’d like to see in the world”.   This reminds me to seek resolution rather than judging or complaining.